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Ten Leading Health Myths Are Finally Busted

It was only four centuries ago that man believed that the sun actually circled about the earth. And it was just in the late 1800’s that medical practitioners stopped the inhumane procedure of bloodletting which at one time was considered to be the one thing that could cure nearly anything.

It makes a person happy to be alive at this time when medicine is modern, new breakthroughs are being made regularly in science, medicine and technology that have changed many old standards while modifying the way we think about things. That being the case, it would be simple to presume that in this day and age of science, technology and clinical practices, a recognized and conventional collection of health data would be available, unfortunately this is not true.

It is a point of fact that numerous existing health proposals are really the cause of a rise in health difficulties. There are top health experts who have come forward to claim that these proposals are being pushed by various businesses that have a clear profit based interest in their acceptance. Having pointed out this controversial conflict, it is time that someone exposed the truth about the top ten most frequently misunderstood health myths – and let the skeletons swing in their collective closets!

The 10 Most Common Health Myths are the following:

Myth 1: It is your genes that decide if a person will develop cancer;
Myth 2: To maintain proper health, you should pursue the suggestions in the food pyramid;
Myth 3: Exposure to the sun is why people contract skin cancer;
Myth 4: People who are overweight suffer with a slow metabolism;
Myth 5: Milk from Cow’s is a great way to acquire calcium and to develop strong bones;
Myth 6: We should avoid eating eggs since they are a major source of bad cholesterol;
Myth 7: Eating margarine is a wiser option than choosing butter;
Myth 8: Using artificial sweeteners are a fine substitute for sugar;
Myth 9: We should be eating a diet that is low in fat;
Myth 10: Drinking red wine is great for a healthy heart and even physicians recommended it;

These myths need to be dealt with one at a time:

Myth 1: It is your genes that decide if a person will develop cancer.

Truth: It is your lifestyle choices that are the singular most important decisions that establish your risk of contracting cancer – not your genetics.

It is a fact that cancer genes are hereditary, the question lies in whether these genes are expressed that makes the difference. Put a different way, if your mom or dad passed away from cancer, this does not automatically mean you will wind up with the same devastating illnesses as them. It all boils down to personal choices we make with our lives.

If you subsist on a poor diet, never get any exercise, smoke or drink, these are the types of choices that get a person in trouble down the road.

Experts in cancer research have estimated that being overweight and not getting enough physical activity is responsible for triple the amount of cancer cases as being genetically predisposed to it. Based on this expert investigating, it has been concluded that some of the most common forms of cancer like bowel and breast cancers could be thwarted by almost forty percent if people would learn to control their weight, get adequate exercise and eat a healthier diet.

Seeing to it that this myth about genetics and cancer is quashed is essential. It has been verified that a poor diet and low physical activity are responsible for three times the occurrence rate of cancer over genes. This is because if their family has a predisposition to these diseases then any fore knowledge that could help them individually could be life saving. In general the inherited genetic predilection is fairly uncommon. It is a good reason for those who have inherited these genes to look closely at the type of lifestyle they lead and perhaps do something about it to lessen their personal threat.
A study conducted on thirty men with prostate cancer in 2005, at U of C San Francisco, evaluated the actions of significant lifestyle adjustment on gene expression. Biopsies where performed at the three month mark after experiencing a healthy diet, sensible physical activity, stress reduction therapy along with psychotherapy, this displayed a dramatic alteration in the expression of hundreds of genes. The healthy lifestyles these men were now living during the previous three month period proved that good diet and exercise could turn critical genes off and on.

The results revealed that many of the genes, some concerned with the creation of tumors, were risk reduced or less reactionary while other genes – including those that combat diseases – were further positively stimulated. The conclusions drawn from the study and expert testimony means lifestyle changes could in fact slow cancer development and can perhaps contribute significantly to the prevention of it entirely. Myth busted!

Myth 2: For good health, follow the recommendations of the food pyramid.

Truth:  The food pyramid suggestions are in fact unhealthy for you.

When the food pyramid was originally produced in 1992 by the USDA, they based their advice on what was necessary to fatten livestock and cattle! One Harvard researcher said that the first food pyramid was initiated by the food industry instead of being based on solid scientific study. He added that the pyramid in and of itself is terribly flawed and deceptive.

For instance, comprehensive recommendations are given that all fats are harmful and any types of carbohydrates are identical, this is not true in the least. Furthermore, the first food pyramid says that consuming six to eleven servings of carbs each day is called for. Little wonder that the cases of diabetes mellitus are skyrocketing along with obesity rates. Strangely there are no recommendations concerning alcohol consumption, getting adequate exercise or how vital it is to eat vegetables and fruits.

The latest “longevity Pyramidâ€

Renowned physician and author Dr. Mitra Ray, believes in a novel food pyramid, one that is grounded on solid health standards. The new food pyramid is based on five to ten servings of no starch vegetables. A further level involves meats, fish and poultry at two to three servings along with lentils, beans, fresh nuts or seeds making up one serving. Another tier is for fruits at two to four servings and the top pinnacle of the pyramid [the least quantity] would be reserved for whole grains, cereals and breads of up to a limit of two servings each day. Myth Busted!

Myth 3: The sun causes skin cancer.

Truth: Our body requires sunlight. Normal exposure to sun rays can decrease the frequency of cancers by as much as sixty percent!

The popular theory is that the sun is the reason why people get cancer and in point of fact the reverse is true. For instance, numerous studies have shown that individuals residing in sun filled locales, usually down south, and who have innately elevated levels of vitamin D due to sun exposure, are a good deal less prone to dying from some form of cancer than those folks living in the north. There is also considerable proof that sunlight will safeguard against multiple sclerosis and breast cancer.

Divergent from popular understanding, reasonable exposure to the sunlight in fact can thwart the deadly varieties of skin cancer, like melanoma. Actually, the lethal tolls from melanoma have shown a reduction when exposed to higher amounts of sunlight. It would be prudent for us to lessen our chances of developing cancer, that there is a need to be regularly but moderately exposed to the sun to replenish our vitamin D at healthy levels.

Experts suggest that we try and get about fifteen minutes of sunlight every day. Keep covered with clothing to avoid sunburn and steer clear of commercial sunscreens since these contain toxic substances actually associated with skin cancer and melanoma! They also impede the absorption of vitamin D. If using sun block is necessary, try a natural variety that is toxin free. Myth Busted!

Myth 4: People are overweight because they have slow metabolisms.

Truth: Just a small minority of people actually have slow metabolisms.

It is used as an excuse often but studies have shown that saying you have a slow metabolism cannot be used as a reason for gaining weight. In reality, newer investigations have displayed that overweight individuals actually have a quicker metabolism, burning off more energy than their lightweight equivalents. It is one’s body makeup, in particular the leanness of your muscularity that decides your BMR or basal metabolic rate, the quantity of calories you burn when resting.

The greater your lean muscularity, the more calories you will burn off and those folks that are plump normally have a faster metabolic rate due to having more muscle along with their fat. It is for this reason that men commonly have more lean muscularity than women and seem to lose weight quicker than women do and also add weight slower than the ladies do. This is why professionals suggest strength training in order to add muscle. How much you train also has much to do with your BMR. Any form of physical training or activity will increase the amount of calories you burn off, not just hardcore intense exercising.

Slow metabolisms do exist but they are very uncommon.

You should seek out the advice of your primary health care professional if you believe you have a slow metabolism. They will probably have your BMR evaluated, or your resting energy expenditure. There are a number of things that can cause a lowered BMR or affect your fat to muscle percentage, such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s syndrome. The simple fact is that the majority of overweight or obese people do not have a metabolism issue; instead, they just eat too much and do not get enough exercise. Myth Busted!

Myth 5: Cow’s milk is a good source of calcium and builds strong bones.

Truth: Cow’s milk was never meant to be ingested by humans. Of all species on the planet, we are the only one that consumes some other specie’s milk. Cow’s milk is for calves!

If you were raised to think that cow’s milk is a nutritious staple, a great source for calcium that develops strong bones etc., then you will be stunned to learn that milk in fact is a major contributor to nearly a couple dozen diseases effecting kids and adults alike. The dairy business was partly responsible for funding our nutritional education in our school systems so of course they touted the benefits of dairy items in our diets, indeed, part of the four food groups of proper nutrition. This meant that dairy became a food fixture in government operated school food programs.

Some of the problems as a result of drinking cow’s milk are a lack of iron resulting in anemia, allergic reactions, diarrhea, heart disease, cramping, colic, gastrointestinal bleeding, sinusitis, skin problems, acne, susceptibility to colds and flu viruses, arthritis, diabetes, ear infections, asthma, autoimmune diseases and so many more including potentially lung cancer, MS, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and on and on…

Now, let’s discuss the calcium that is so crucial we need to drink a cow’s milk. In a single head of broccoli, by weight, you will get more calcium than you will from milk. Even more significant, the variety of calcium found in green veggies is absorbed more efficiently without discharging from the bones – quite unlike high protein dairy items. It must be understood that we can get better quality calcium from eating green veggies than we gain from eating cheese and ingesting dairy in general.

Myth 6: Eggs contain exceeding large quantities of cholesterol so we should steer clear of them.

Truth: An individual can consume one r two entire eggs each day and have no worries regarding their cholesterol intake.

It has been commonly believed that eating eggs will eventually damage your heart, but consuming entire eggs each day could in fact be very healthy for you, including benefits to your health like reducing your chances of contracting heart disease! Investigations have revealed that when healthy mature adults consume eggs each day there was no evidence of increased cholesterol nor did they increase their risk of heart illness.

Egg yolks most certainly do have cholesterol in them, no one should presume that when we eat them our dietary cholesterol needs will mean an automatic elevation of our blood cholesterol. Let us also remember that our body needs a particular quantity of cholesterol. This is where the mystification occurs. There is no relation between dietary cholesterol and our serum – blood cholesterol levels.

Therefore, you can comfortably eat your eggs, one or two each day and feel comfortable doing so. There is no need to feel guilty when enjoying your next omelet. Just try and eat free range or organic eggs!

[Just an added note: interestingly, increased cholesterol levels are more apt to be causes from insulin resistance due to a poor diet loaded with refined carbohydrates.] Myth Busted!

Myth 7: We should opt to consume margarine instead of eating butter.

Truth: We should be steering clear of margarine like the plague. That would also be true of the ones claiming to be healthy olive oil varieties. Butter is a much smarter choice.

This is just one more myth that needs to be dispelled. Do not for a minute believe that margarine and other spreads are any better for you due to being low in saturated fat and cholesterol. Butter is the better option over margarine and the vegetable oil type spreads. In spite of the cautions extended regarding saturated fats, butter still has so many advantages over margarine. It is a valuable source of A, D, E and K vitamins, the last one not particular easy to consume. It is also loaded with minerals and fatty acids that are a requirement for many physiological systems to operate.

Then you have the various margarines and veggie oil spreads that are promoted with millions of dollars by manufacturers in direct conflict to the superior quality of butter. They may indeed be less expensive to purchase but many people would refrain from ever consuming them again if they were privy to the production process of margarine!

Margarine is produced with different kinds of vegetable oils which have been treated with heat to tremendously elevated temperatures. They do this to render the oils rancid. Next they add a nickel catalyst as well as hydrogen atoms to congeal the mixture. We know that nickel is a high toxicity heavy metal and trace particles stay behind post production. Lastly, they add color and deodorants so the brutal odor from rotten oils is masked and the vomit inducing now grey colored mixture is altered.

While the margarine is going through the hardening procedure, dangerous carcinogenic trans-fatty acids are made. If it is a choice between butter and margarine, think about the difference between a block of cancer causing, bleached and perfumed muck or a healthy and beneficial natural spread. Your choice is a simple one. Myth Busted!

Myth 8: Imitation sweeteners make a good substitute for sugar.

Truth: Synthetic sweeteners are harmful to your system!

Aspartame, also known as phenylalanine and sold as brand names NutraSweet and Equal, has been associated with Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus, Fibromyalgia and even Alzheimer’s disease. It has been called a silent killer with symptoms that include leg numbness, cramping, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, painful joints, depression [due to aspartame lowering serotonin quantities in your brain], and slurred speech memory problems and panic attacks from anxiety.

Since we are so often careful of what we eat and many are endlessly dieting, we buy into promotional information about no sugar or reduced calories when in fact quite often these consumables are manufactured using imitation sweeteners. Ironically, these synthetic sweeteners lead to carbohydrate craving which winds up making us fat!

These artificial sweeteners can be located in nearly any type of foods from yogurt to soda pop and bakery items to candy bars and gum. Taken in minute quantities probably will not become an issue but the public needs to become far more aware of what is in the food and drinks they are consuming and this means aspartame. Why risk your continuing health when a food or beverage additive is so risky? Myth Busted!

Myth 9: Try and consume a diet low in fat.

Truth: Everyone requires fat in their systems. In particular they need essential fats.

The notion that any and all fat is unhealthy is totally not true. Each cell in your system must have fat for proper metabolism functionality, hormone development, brain functionality and so many other crucial mechanisms.

We require essential fats from the foods we ingest [essential means our body does not manufacture it from within and so we source it externally]. Superior sources of these fats have omega 3 fatty acids in abundance. These would include olive oil, nuts, avocados and fish oil.

When you eat the proper fats it will aid in reducing your blood pressure, it thins the blood thus safeguarding us from clotting. Additionally, many inflammatory ailments can be assisted with regular supplies of omega 3 fats from our diets or supplementation. When you are lacking in omega 3’s your inflammation troubles will become worsened and these can include arthritis, asthma, Crohns disease and even heart ailments.

Our body is unable to absorb fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K without proper quantities of fats in our foods. Hence, regardless of how much healthy and nutritious veggies and fruits you consume, if you follow a low fat diet plan it is quite possible you will eventually fall victim to degenerative illnesses from being vitamin deficient. A prime example of this would be osteoporosis. In order for the calcium we consume to do its job, it must have vitamin D and K absorbed to aid in bone strength and mass.

Since the human brain is made up of something like seventy percent fat [lipids], we must be getting sufficient levels of healthy fats and cholesterol so it can be at its peak in functionality. There should be no surprise then that a reduced ingestion of fats in your system can mean short term memory impairment, lack of focus, depression, bi polar conditions and schizophrenia and eventually leading to Alzheimer’s disease.

When we lack proper amount of fats in our meal plan we open ourselves up to higher cholesterol levels, we lose skin elasticity and it can become flaky and dry with the result being wrinkles and lines. The advantages of having healthful fats in our bodies are kind of similar to antioxidants. If you have been listening perhaps now you have been persuaded to raise the quantity of healthy fats in your meals- just make sure you are eating the “good†fats. Myth Busted!

Myth 10: Drinking red wine is great for a healthy heart and even physicians recommended it.

Truth: The alcohol in red wine is harmful to your health, it is a neurotoxin! It is not what is beneficial about the red wine.

Alcohol has nothing to do with reduced rates of heart disease in individuals, it is actually an antioxidant known as resveratrol in the wine – which originates in the grapes. Wine is laden with polyphenols, a variety of antioxidant that cannot be found in any other alcoholic beverage. The number of polyphenols located in the red wine has a two or three times greater quantity than can be found in white wine, the polyphenols come with some amazingly healthy benefits.

When you drink alcohol, you are literally inviting a harmful neurotoxin into your body under the guise of a comforting beverage when in actuality it can cause hormone imbalance, liver harm and other physical and emotional drama. If you are currently a teetotaler, you should remain that way! It is not the alcohol content in the red wine that is beneficial for your health, but the antioxidants. You can find these antioxidants elsewhere, like in grape juice. Myth Busted!


Well, there you go, the ten top health myths finally busted!

I would be doing the reader a disservice by not repeating that they must stay observant in their quest for a healthy mind and body. Be suspicious of health assertions promoted in the media by the media in particular, the pharmacology industry as well as your very own physician. Your health is all yours – it belongs to you, so manage it accordingly.

Start doing your own research to educate yourself about what interests you regarding your health or health in general. Try and find dependable sources of data and keep an open mind when looking into alternative and traditional forms of treatments when these are suitable. Ultimately you control your health and any information required must pass through you so be inquisitive, study recent health trends and suggestions and reacquire the power over your health and personal well being.